From The Founder


My name is Stojan Bacev, and most people around here know me as Mr. Pooky, the Pooky's Famous Yogurt owner. While I enjoy bringing happiness to people through frozen treats, I am also an accomplished Engineer. I got my Computer Engineering degree with specialization in Real Time and Embedded Systems from UNT. During my 14 year career I have spent 3 years in the private sector and 11 years in defense. Between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, I have worked on systems for the Marines, Navy, Army, Airforce etc. I am currently working as a Principal Software Engineer at Raytheon Technologies in McKinney, TX. I have experience with multiple programming languages and technologies, and have a real passion for teaching and working with kids.

In recent years there has been a trend where students don’t pursue careers in STEM fields as much anymore. I created PYE Club to address this very problem. Here kids learn real coding, math, problem solving, and work with real hardware such as microcontrollers, LEDs, sensors, buttons, motors etc. We use Arduino type development, which gives them fun, hands on experience with Engineering. Students complete real projects they can show off to their friends and family. Through our staff and guest speakers, they are exposed to knowledge from real engineers in the industry, which we hope will encourage them to consider a STEM field of study.

We are different, and simply better!

Our courses are developed and supervised by real Engineers with experience in the field! Our curriculum is taught in a fun and efficient way. We teach our students real coding, circuit design, debugging, and problem solving. Our students learn to code hardware, software, and web applications, which gives them a variety of skills to use in choosing their career or field of study. We combine learning with the real world of Engineering, in hope to train the new generation of Young Engineers! We foster a professional setting, where we don’t only learn, but we practice mutual respect, teamwork and proper behavior. Our way of teaching, and environment, enables students to perform better, and be better prepared for college and life. We offer private school caliber education, for all kids!


We start with simple Embedded Development using Arduino IDE. Students learn the basics of REAL coding using C/C++. A person that knows to code in C/C++, will easily learn any other programming language. We have developed high level libraries to make it easy for the students to learn C/C++. As their skills improve, we dive deeper into the language. This will ensure students are not bored or discouraged, and are having fun while learning and advancing their skills.

Putting the code to work

With their code, students will control real systems they designed. By assembling their project they will learn about each component, create circuits and put their code to work in the real world.

Problem solving

Once they learn the basics of programming and the different functions of the hardware components, students will be challenged to design a prototype that solves a real life problem. From brainstorming, to design, to implementation and testing, students will learn the Engineering aproach to solving problems.

Engineering for the market

Students will work on getting their prototype market ready. They will work on a PCB board layout, enclosure design, and everything else that will make their product user friendly and market ready.

IoT-Internet Of Things Development

In the higher level courses students learn HTML, PHP, Javascript and similar techologies as part of our IoT (Internet of Things) development. With IoT, students will learn to connect their hardware creations to the Internet, and be able to interact with them from anywhere in the world.

Guest Speaker Program

As part of this program, students will get to meet Engineers from different disciplines and backgrounds. They will also meet educators from local Universities, representatives from local businesses that cotribute to inovation in technology, etc.

Level 1

Single PYE Byte Workshop

Mondays or Wednesdays


Each student gets:
-Free T-Shirt
-Take home a working project


9921 Concord Drive
Providence Village, TX 76227
Request Class Spot